Sunday, September 26, 2010

Does angels exist?

Do they?
It's something I've been asking myself, for quite some time now.

I don't belive in angels as in cute little cherubs, or longhaired ladies with wings on their backs, buckloads of glitter and a magic wand.
But, I do believe sometimes your friends can be your angels..

The ones who are always there for you, support you, comfort you, believe in you when you dont believe in yourself anymore, and kick your derriere when you need to move forward.

Those friends can create more magic simply by existing, than any magic wand in the universe...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I'm a grandmother!

Or, at least thats what I thought when I woke up in sheer panic at 4 a.m.

Firstly, I do not have any children, so for me to be a gran is not even possible. However, I do have two lovely burmese cats, and I had a bizarre dream that Azizi had kittens.
May I add, they are both males and castrated since a very young age, so indeed the thought of him and Cohen having kittens was SCARY!



Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Spaniard and the Speedos

Only 10 days away from my holiday, I was thinking back on last years adventure.
Volontary work in Tanzania and chill on Zanzibar (where I am returning this year)....

During my chilling on Zanzibar, I also experienced the Spaniard in the Speedos!
Something virtually impossible to forget.

I was staying in a bungalow by the beach, and had made friends with Jenny, who just had climbed Kilimanjaro.
Our exchange of expereiences was aparently overheard by a couple of Spanish men.

Later that evening, when I was getting ready to meet Jenny for dinner, I heard a knock on my door, and upon opening the door, I discovered a Spaniard in Speedos flexing his muscles on my veranda! *surprise*
He admitted to overhearing our conversation earlier, and said that he was under the impression that I was traveling alone, and therefore must be lonely.
He offered to cure my solitude and to have mercy on me in his own special way....

Talking about the village where I had stayed for weeks and weeks, he inquiered if I had the opportunity to "have some fun"
Ehm, living in a village where half of the population has HIV, "the spanish fun" is not really what you prioritize, which I also told him.

Man in speedos, not THE spaniard though
 Thats when he came up with the quote of the MILLENIUM!

"Well, Miss, maybe I can end your dryspell for you?"

Imagine, you have a Spaniard in SPEEDOS! offering you that! Not bad for chill huh?

Am wondering what this year will bring, I doubt it can beat the speedo incident....

And, may I add; No, I did not accept the offer!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Men vs trousers

I've been wondering, whats up with men, and the trouser fashion of 2010?
Everywhere I go, there seem to be some interesting, hideous, odd or just plain weird pair of trousers/pants walking around.
I cant stop myself from wondering, is this on purpose, or do these individuals really think they are being classy and fashionable?

For example, we have Mr. Orange Courderoy, BAGGY with wide stripes! What was he thinking? Has courderoy ever been okay post 1979?

This summer I spotted Mr. Balloon pant. He was wearing some type of balloon like cream coloured pants, matched with a safari helmet and a jacket with gold colored buttons!

On my way to work, there was this guy all dressed up in a pair of FLEECE JEANS! I had no clue such thing existed! Complete with stone wash design and everything!

Now, this week, I came across a guy with bright yellow skinny jeans, and just today someone wearing bright purple equally skinny (read way too skinny) jeans....

I am quite traumatized by this and think I might be developing a trouserophobia!